New Talent Night
Visit the New Talent Website to sign up and learn more.
This is where it all begins.
All comedians get their start somewhere, and chances are, it was on a night just like New Talent Night.
New Talent Night at Comedy Works is a weekly showcase of Denver’s best up-and-coming performers. Each show is a hilarious mix of professionals working on new material, amateur comedians working on their chops, and first-timers being thrown in the pool. And you never know when a nationally-touring headliner such as Josh Blue or Dave Chappelle will drop by to work out before a concert. It's the most popular new talent showcase in the Denver area.

Interested In Performing On New Talent Night?
If you’ve always wondered if you had the stuff to be a comedian, Comedy Works is happy to give you a shot at comedy glory. Here’s how to sign up to perform on New Talent Night.
Visit our New Talent Website to sign up and for more information.
Join our New Talent Facebook page.
If you have further questions, it's best to e-mail us at
Interested In Attending/Watching A New Talent Night?
Visit the New Talent Night comedian page for upcoming show dates and times